Original Buddhas

Tibetan Buddha Statues


View our Buddha Statues in our gallery

In Tibet, Buddha statues are considered as the symbol of sacred support for different Buddhist practices in Tibet. Tibetan Buddha statues are the core of Tibetan Buddhist altar. In Tibetan Buddhism, Buddha statues are believed to be alive and provide blessings to living beings, and Buddhist devout in Tibetan Buddhism also believe in using the right kind of Tibetan Buddha statues to move on the right path and also inspire others in taking the right path. Finding the peace and calm through the medium of Buddha statues, is one of the common practices in Tibetan Buddhism.

Along with Nepal, Tibet is also known all over the world for their unique as well as different styles of Buddha statues. Being the representation of Gautama Buddha himself, Buddha statues in Tibet are also considered sacred and holy so Tibetan Buddha statues are seen with highly religious importance. Tibetan Buddha statues are also considered as a medium during chanting practices, and provide motivation and internal satisfaction, that may lead to the Enlightenment. The two core of Jokhang Temple are Buddha images of Shakyamuni Buddha as well as Vairocana Buddha. Buddha statue of Shakyamuni Buddha was brought by Princess Bhrikuti as a part of her dowry, while, Buddha image of Vairocana Buddha was brought by Princess Wengcheng. Both Princess Bhrikuti and Princess Wengcheng are two wives of King Songtsan Gampo of Tibet.

Buddha statues in Tibet

buddha statues

Tibetan Buddha statues in our gallery are some of the quite antique and ancient Buddha statues. In Tibetan Buddhism, statues of Buddha are mostly made of gilded bronze, while some of them are made of gold or silver. Some of the important features of Tibetan Buddha statues are:

  1. Buddha statues are depicted with Halo
  2. Buddha statues are made with the lotus-throne pedestal
  3. Shakyamuni Buddha statues are depicted with shoulder exposed
  4. Shakyamuni Buddha is depicted with rotating the "Wheel of Law" –which is believed to crush all the delusions.
  5. The main features of Tibetan Buddha statues is simplicity
  6. Carvings in Buddha statues using jade, stone, ivory, bamboo, horn, clay materials.

View our collections of statues and arts in our gallery

Types of Tibetan Buddha statues

Our Nepal Tibet Buddha statues collection is one of the largest collection in the world, and our Buddha statues gallery consists of different types of Tibetan Buddha statues in accordance of size, poses, hand mudras, types of materials used. Tibetan Buddha statues are mostly depicted with holding bajra in the hands of the Buddha statues. Tibetan Buddhist deities are often depicted and represented with hands and fingers in ritual poses, i.e. Mudra. Important Buddha mudras depicted in Tibetan Buddha statues are Abhaya, Bhumisparsha, Vitarka mudra, and Namaskara Mudra. Tibetan as well as Nepali Buddha statues depicted with different mudras have their own symbolic meanings such as Abhaya depicts protection, blessing while Bhumisparsa mudra in Buddha statues represents witness and earth touching.

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Our collections of Buddha statues and arts

Antique wooden Thai Lanna Buddha statue

275 euro

Old bronze Burmese Buddha statue

750 euro

Old bronze Nepali Chenrezig statue

3,500 euro

Old wooden Burmese Buddha statue

175 euro

Bronze Ganesha

300 euro

Antique bronze Thai Buddha on Naga snake

500 euro

Antique Burmese limestone Buddha statue

400 euro

Very beautiful and detailed porcelain Guan Yin statue

350 euro

Antique bronze Opiumweight

75 euro

Antique bronze Burmese Buddha statue

3,000 euro

Antique Burmese Buddha statue on throne

2,750 euro

Special antique bronze Shan Buddha

3,000 euro

Set of 6 antique bronze Opium Weights

350 euro

Antique bronze Thai Buddha statue

300 euro

Antique Nyaung-Yan Buddha

950 euro

Antique bronze Opiumweight

75 euro

Old bronze Nepali Tara statue

400 euro

Antique bronze Ganesha statue

125 euro

Antique bronze Thai Buddha statue

300 euro

Antique wooden Burmese Buddha

250 euro

Antique bronze Opium Weight

300 euro

Antique bronze Nepali Buddha statue

450 euro

Antique wooden Thai Ayutthaya Buddha

1,400 euro

Antique wooden Burmese Mandalay Buddha

1,250 euro

Old wooden Mandalay Buddha statue

800 euro

Antique wooden Burmese Buddha statue

1,350 euro

Antique bronze Opium Weight

75 euro

Antique wooden Burmese Shan Buddha

350 euro

Special antique Burmese Buddha statue

7,500 euro

Antique bronze Opium Weight

75 euro
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